The packing has begun in earnest. I have chosen the dining room to be the staging area, and in that way I don't get overwhelmed with chaos...the rest of the house kind of stays in function mode. Once I start this packing process, though, I get anxious to just get the whole move process started.
I have already moved from this house in my being.
I love moving. I love going through everything and purging what is unnecessary. I love the adventure and the opportunity for newness that it promises. I absolutely love projects!!
I wonder if my new neighbour will be a new friend?!!
Sarah, the cat wants to be sure she is not left behind!! |
My stresses and my worries come with all that is left in the hands of others to take care of (like the bank and the lawyer and the seller of the other property and the phone company, and...)! I have to make phone calls to some of those "others" today and just keep them with "the program".
I have to learn to walk the process out with more peace.
"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain" Ps 127:1
I have to learn to walk the process out with more trust.
“Let a man be ever so bent upon building one, or have ever so much skill in drawing the plan of it, or be ever so well provided to go through the expense of it, or have ever so many hands employed in it, yet, if the Lord does not give success, it will all be in vain; the building will fall down, or be consumed by fire before it is finished; or by one providence or another he will be obliged to desist from it. Unless we have His blessing, a dwelling-house cannot be comfortably erected.Men desiring to build know that they must labour, and accordingly they put forth all their skill and strength; but let them remember that if Jehovah is not with them their designs will prove failures. Trowel and hammer, saw and plane are instruments of vanity unless the Lord be the Master-builder.”
I love that phrase...the dwelling-house...
19 days and counting...